Research Areas

Face and Body Analysis

We have worked in facial attributes estimation: gender, age and expressions. Our aim has been getting simple and fast algorithms in order to have practical systems.

Image Alignment

We work in facial alignment with Deep Learning: landmarks and 3D pose. We have worked in tracking with direct methods. We have developed "Jacobian Factorisation" algoritms for 3D and 2D tracking. Lately we have revisited the "Inverse Compositional Approach" and we have explained when and why it would work.

Machine Learning

As any other Computer Vision research group we work with Machine Learning to solve classification problems. Lately we have been working in Multiclass Boosting techniques in order to fill some missing tools in this area.


Segmentation of brain structures. We have worked in brain structures segmentation (synapse, mythocondria, etc.). We have developed a number of technicques ranging from curve evolution (Morphological Snakes) to Multi-class Boosting.


We work (or have worked) for some Spanish companies in subjects like: face attributes estimation (gender and age), OCR over official id documents, planar objects localisation with highly repetitive structures (buildings), object tracking, etc.


Localization of Planar Objects in Images Bearing Repetitive Patterns.
US Patent US 10922582 B2.
Eropean Patent EP 3465531 B1.
Priority 2016.
Procedimiento automático para establecer el sexo al que pertenecen los rostros que aparecen en imágenes.
Spanish Patent P201030025.
Priority 2010.

Active Projects

ETHICFACE: Towards an ethical general face processing model

Work funded by Agencia Estatal de Investigación, under project number PID2022-137581OB-I00.

Sep. 2023 - Sep. 2026

Localize planar objects with highly repetitive textures

Work funded by The Graffer S.L.

2013 - ongoing

Past Projects

HEIMDAL: Detección Semántica Multisensorial de Situaciones Anómalas en entornos sin restricciones

Work funded by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, under project number TIN2016-75982-C2-2-R.

Jan 2017 - Dec 2020 (Extended until june 2021) In collaboration with: DEPECA-UAH

Supervisión de patrones de comportamiento humano mediante visión por computador

Work funded by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, under project number TIN2013-47630-C2-2-R.

Jan 2014 - Dec 2016 (extended until Jun 2017) In collaboration with: DEPECA-UAH

Object tracking and analysis

Work funded by Tagsonomy S.L. at URJC.


Multimodal interaction in computer vision and pattern recognition

Work funded by MEC, Consolider Ingenio Program, CSD2007-00018.

Oct 2007 - Oct 2012

OCR for ID documents on video

Work funded by CAB Magazine Online S.L.


The Human Brain Project. A Preparatory Study

Work funded by EU FP7-ICT-2011-FET-F.

Dec 2005 - Dec 2008

Análisis a del rostro humano en ambientes inteligentes y seguridad

Work funded by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, under project number TIN2010-19654

Jan 2011 - Dec 2011

MIO: Tecnologías para prestar servicios de movilidad en el futuro universo inteligente

Work funded by "Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico e Industrial", Telefónica I+D

Dec 2005 - Dec 2008

Probabilistic Graphical Models for Multi-class Classifiers with Applications in Computer Vision

Work funded by MEC under project number TIN2008-06815-C02-02

Dec 2008 - Dec 2010

Codificador MPEG-4 de gestos faciales

Work funded by MCYT under project number TIC2002-00591

Jan 2002 - Dec 2005

Sistema de análisis del movimiento del rostro humano

Work funded by MCYT under project number TIC99-1021

Jan 2000 - Dec 2002