Academic Staff
We share research interest with:
- Juan Bekios Calfa, Universidad Católica del Norte, Chile.
- Antonio Valdés Morales, Universidad Complutense, Spain.
PhD Students

Sofía Fernández León (IMDEA Materiales-UPM)
"Digital Twins for Smart Manufacturing of Structural composites", (started 2023)
Ricardo Pizarro Carreño (UAH-UPM)
"Human body analysis for autonomous driving", (started 2023)
Alejandro Cobo Cabornero (UPM)
"Face analysis for forgery detection", (started 2021)Former Phd students

Joaquín Fernández-León
Thesis on "Advanced Deep Learning Technologies for smart manufacturing of structural composite materials", UPM 2023. Now at Arquimea Research.
Xoan Iago Suárez Canosa
Thesis on "Low-level vision for resource-limited devices ", UPM 2021. Now at Qualcomm
Roberto Valle Fernández
Thesis on "Multi-task Shape Preserving Face Alignment", UPM 2020. Now Assistant Professor at Technical University of Madrid (UPM).
Enrique Muñoz Corral
Thesis on Model-Based 3d Tracking, UPM 2012. Former postdoc at PAVIS, IIT. Now at Booker
José Miguel Buenaposada (URJC)
Thesis on Face Expressions Analisys, UPM 2005. Now lecturer at Universidad Rey Juan CarlosFormer Research Assistants

Alejandro Cobo Cabornero
Funded by Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid, "Ayudantes de Investigación". URJC 2021/01/01 - 2022/02/28 (ref. PEJ-2020-AI/TIC-17682).