SPIGA facial landmarks detector-
You can find the inference code and SPIGA models in our
In github repo,
ELSED efficient line segments detection
source code.
It is extremely fast and can jump over edge discontinuities. Check the online
TEBLID efficient local descriptor
source code,
documentation in OpenCV.
It is extremely fast and working even better than BEBLID.
Our HashSIFT is a binarization of SIFT descriptor. It works pretty well and can be found in our github repo.
Our HashSIFT is a binarization of SIFT descriptor. It works pretty well and can be found in our github repo.
BEBLID efficient local descriptor
source code
It is extremely fast and working better than ORB and is
available in OpenCV.,
Implementation of "Boosting Sex Identification Performance" IJCV paper (Baluja-Rowley) matlab toolbox.
In this toolbox we have implemented the Baluja and
Rowley's IJCV paper (see [Baluja07]).
All publications and works that use this toolbox must reference
our PAMI 2011 paper [Bekios-Calfa2011].
SSD-based plane tracking matlab toolbox.
In this toolbox we have implemented our Jacobian matrix
factorisation for the projective motion model
(see [Buenaposada02b] and
To test it out of the box, you should download the chessboard
calibration template sequence (320x240 images) and decompress it over
the same directory as the matlab toolbox (see the README.txt).
All publications and works that use this toolbox must reference
our ICPR 2002 paper [Buenaposada02b].